Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Chatterbacking - A new marketing term

Very interesting write up. It amazes me that "we" never fail to come up with catchy terms for everything. "Chatterbacking" huh! I guess that's a marketers job. To keep refreshing old concepts with new twists.

I wanted to comment on the last few questions in the article. I think trust is essential in anything. Marketing, working, relationships, etc. Doesn't matter.

You have to allow the consumer to decide whether they want to read something sponsored by or written by a company that has a sales twist. Print magazines have always marked the word "advertisement" on their sponsored content whether it's a one pager or a booklet. Does that mean I dont read it? No, if it catches my eye I will read it. I will be a bit skeptical about its claims but if I like what I read I will investigate other sources for credibility. So what I am saying is if your content is well written then there should be no hesitation to mark it as sponsored. In fact being honest has a lot more potential for believability than being duped into thinking something is not sponsored and finding out later that it was. Then you have completely lost your customer forever.

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